A Businessman With Deep Roots in the Community

Steve is a Langley-based management consultant and political strategist. He first came to Langley in 1995 during his undergrad bioscience days at Trinity Western University. Since then he has earned an MBA, married his love, and become the father of two precocious children. Always an entrepreneur, Steve ran a couple of companies for 17 years, one predominantly IT-based and the other in promotional goods. During this time he employed dozens, helped create the Canadian division of a retail electronics merchandising company, and serviced clients such as Best Buy, Future Shop, Walmart, HBC (now Hudson’s Bay Company), Shoppers Drug Mart, Bell Canada, Telus, and more.

The political side of Steve’s life began in 1979 when a young “Joe Who?” caught his imagination by winning the 1979 federal election and temporarily unseating then-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Clark’s loss, and Campbell’s in 1993, ignited a passion for conservative apologetics; making the case for conservatism. This culminated with his founding of the Canadian Foundation for Better Government, which promotes conservative values through education, candidate training, and advocacy work. He has held most executive positions on political boards and is the current vice president of Langley-Aldergrove and past-president of the Cloverdale – Langley City Conservative Association.

Steve is an active volunteer in his church, a passionate advocate for firearms rights as the former vice president of the Langley Rod and Gun Club, and has been actively involved for decades as a grassroots activist with the Conservative Party. Past events he’s organized include the Leader’s BC Summer BBQ with Rona Ambrose, and corralling 12 candidates under one roof for the Conservative Leadership “Debate in the Valley” in 2017. Although mostly retired from active campaign management, he has run countless campaigns at the municipal, provincial, and federal levels.

Steve’s wife Lisa is from Abbotsford, and they live in Langley with their two children.